
Friday, March 27, 2015

Hey, It's Ok...

If I get one more email telling me what every pregnant woman should do I think I'm going to scream. The only thing that mommy websites/apps should tell you in those daily emails is how to relax.

In the past 48 hours ALONE I have received the following headlines via email:
  • 16 things every pregnant woman should do - really, as if I don't have ENOUGH on my plate - of course none of the 16 things on this list were on my to do list)
  • The only 6 maternity clothes you need - this one actually made me laugh out loud - it included 5 basic items and a bonus little black dress... this may work for someone who only wears maternity clothes for one week but the rest of us actually enjoy going to work or out in public in more than one or two different outfits per week.
  • 8 hidden dangers for newborns - seriously?! I'm trying to keep them alive on the inside right now - let's not start adding to the worries that will ultimately ensue once they come out. 
  • The Great circumcision debate - I wasn't aware there was a monumental discussion on what to do with my sons' gentiles once they were born and this article provided no proof that the great debate does indeed exist. I actually pictured two men arguing in fancy suits and lots of yelling about "To cut or not to cut" while reading this one. Either way in our family this decision is up to their dad... I don't claim to know anything about having a penis. 
  • 12 worst foods for pregnant women - another LOL article. It included almost everything I have eaten since pregnancy and only made me feel guilty when in reality eating while pregnant is hard. If you can stomach anything I say go for it - unless you are put on a diet by your doctor just try to eat balanced meals and make sure you take your vitamins. The occasional drive-thru meal isn't going to kill you or your babies.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I'm tired of the "fear mongering" associated with pregnancy. I have enough to worry about caring for these babies inside my womb I don't need to add to those worries every day with unnecessary fears.  The only thing pregnant women NEED to do is relax and these daily emails aren't helping.  It doesn't matter how many times you click unsubscribe either another mommy forum or website will find you and God forbid you dare to search for answer to one of your questions online... those message boards can truly be terrifying. Like the time I wanted to know about safety flying and I read about the woman who gave birth at 24 weeks mid air and lost her child. Needless to say, I have stopped looking for answers online and only asking my doctor, friends or other moms for advice when I need it. As for the emails they now get auto sent to my delete folder. 

If pregnancy apps or websites REALLY wanted to help out pregnant mamas they would send us spa discounts or maybe a daily dose of "Hey, it's Ok..." the pregnancy version. Y'all Glamour fans know what I'm talking about - nothing like a one pager of statements to assuage the overwhelming guilt you feel while sucking down your 2nd chocolate shake of the day. So for those of you who need it here is my "Hey, it's OK..." for the week. These may or may not be things that have actually happened to me.

Hey, It's OK...

...that you haven't done your 30 minutes of daily exercise this week, all that walking back and forth to the bathroom in the middle of the night has to count for something. 

...that you decided to binge watch Parenthood on Netflix instead of doing the dishes last night, they'll still be there in the morning.

...that you changed clothes 6 times and made yourself late for work, dressing to accommodate that belly and still maintain a sense of style gets harder by the day.

...that you had a sip or glass of red wine with your dinner, I miss it too. 

...that you wore yoga pants for the 5th... okay 20th day in a row, they are comfortable and they stretch both things that are most important in clothing right now.

...that you cried when you had to upsize your maternity jeans, getting bigger LITERALLY every day can be hard.

...that you cried over nothing for the 3rd time this week, hormones are a bitch, so is hallmark.

...that you ate two snack cakes in 2 minutes, then searched your desk frantically 5 minutes later for another one because you forgot you ate it already.

...that you peed in your pants when you sneezed, I hear that's something you should get used to.

And if that didn't make you feel better this definitely should: 

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