
Monday, May 18, 2015

May Mid Month Confessions

I'm a little late this month, but still excited to link up with Heather and Elizabeth again for mid-month confessions.

A few weeks ago, on my way home from work my Husband asked if I would grab him a soft drink at the gas station. This required me getting out of my car... which I was not about to do, so instead I drove past 4 gas stations and 10 miles past my house, to get my husband a coke at McDonald's just so I wouldn't have to get out of the car. I blame the fact that I can't easily get out of the car anymore without major assistance (thank you extra 45 preggo pounds), but if I'm being honest it's 90% laziness 10% difficulty. Needless to say we now have a fully stocked fridge to avoid this in the future.

Instead of being productive by organizing baby gifts and writing thank you notes I spent an entire Sunday with my feet up, checking Facebook, napping and reading blogs. I should also probably mention that on this particular Sunday my Father and Husband were hard at work remodeling the twins' nursery (post coming soon!). The main confession - I did not feel one bit bad about it. 

While my 7th period class was watching a movie last week, instead of grading I caught up on registries and answered a few important messages/calls. #teacheroftheyear

I am beyond over being pregnant but I am not quite ready to meet our little ones. I'm not sure if it's carrying twins that is making the 3rd trimester feel so long, or if it's just that it's May and I teach Seniors... either way #overit is my hashtag for everything.

I have about 12 pending blog posts but haven't found any time to upload pictures and edit them. Hopefully once school gets out I can rejoin the internet world.

WHEW! Feels good to get that off my chest ;) - Anything you'd like to confess this month??

1 comment:

  1. Your number 2 confession is exactly what you should be doing!! And oh my I can so relate to your third one- that is exactly what I did at the end of the year last year when my 5th graders were hard at work or watching a movie. It feels so good to multi task at the end of the year! I'm so glad you linked up with us!! Now go put your feet up or work on those registries. ;)
