
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Because I missed last week - you will get two top ten lists this week! One today and one on Thursday.

Today the top ten reasons exam week is the best...

1. There is always food everywhere, literally kids always have extra food I can't explain it, I just reap the rewards.

2. Double conference period - I should use it to be productive but instead I use it as the one time a year I don't have to scarf lunch down over my computer or hurried conversation, and actually enjoy a long lunch with colleagues at a nice restaurant.

3. Saying goodbye to 1-2 classes each day, it spreads it out and somehow the last class is always one of my favorites.

4. Everyone is so relaxed, except the borderline failure kids and the frazzled teachers who haven't quite realized the end is in sight... I could do without both of these...

5. The hilarious lack of filter my Seniors develop (not that they had much of one before)

6. All of the "last" - last final graded, last class uploaded, last signature on the checkout list - so many mini celebrations.  (I have to admit this year is a little bittersweet)

7. The great purge! How liberating it is to clean out a classroom and discard mounds of paperwork that you never used but had to keep "just in case..." to "CYA"

8. All the fun stuff you find during the great purge, like a brand new unopened box of expo markers or a team of computer paper - it's like winning the school supply lottery.

9. The amount of online shopping, Pinterest posting, buzzfeed reading, Facebook checking etc. that gets to happen during the study/exam time. Normally this would be used for planning/grading but there is none of that to be done. Especially if you already graded projects during presentations or are smart and give scantrom exams. (I did both this year)

10. Teacher work day the last day of that week, when everyone shows up breathing sighs of relief because we did it - we made it through another year in the trenches and we can all rest for a couple months before doing it all over again.

Any teachers able to add to this list? What are your favorite things about exam week?

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