Staying at home has opened a whole new world of possibilities in the way of hobbies. One of my favorite things has been creating/discovering new recipes to use my growing stash of essential oils. Don't worry this isn't a post all about how wonderful my oils are, how much I love them and how you should buy them - just wanted to share a few of my favorite uses and a great way to make a thoughtful gift for someone you love. I recently put together a basket of goodies for a wedding present and included the following DIY oil recipes.
Cracked Pepper infused Olive Oil
- I used this container from Target
- Fill a measuring cup with Olive Oil and grind about 1 Tablespoon of fresh peppercorn into it
- Add 5-7 drops of black pepper essential oil (or to taste if you like it really spicy)
- Pour through a funnel into container of your choice
- Top off with olive oil until container is full
- Shake well before use
Lavender Hand Soap*
- Fill soap dispenser about 1/4 of the way with Castille Soap
- Add 15-20 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- Fill the rest of the way with water
- You can also add vitamin E or coconut oil for an added moisturizing effect
- Shake well to combine ingredients
Lavender Citrus Dish Soap* (degreaser)
- In a microwave safe container heat about 2 cups of water
- Dissolve 2 Tablespoons of Washing Soda
- Add 2 teaspoons of Orange Extract
- Fill soap dispenser about 1/4 of the way with Castille Soap
- Add 15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- Once cooled and washing soda has dissolved, pour on top of Castille Soap and oil mixture, shake well to combine
Not only does the Lavender smell heavenly... it also works as a disinfectant, so you can be sure things are clean while also filling your kitchen with a lovely aroma.
I use Young Living brand essential oils for various reasons, if you plan to ingest the oils I would highly recommend doing your research and ONLY using therapeutic grade oils.
*When mixing soaps be sure to leave space at the top of the of the container or when you shake to combine it will spew everywhere!!