Dearest Mama,
First of all thank you. Those two words will never be enough to express how grateful I am for you and all the sacrifices you made over the years, but I'm hoping you know the true meaning behind them, just in case you need a reminder...
Thank you for taking care of me when I was new baby who depended more on you than anyone else.
Thank you for providing for me well into my adult years, much longer than I'm sure you anticipated.
Thank you for loving me always, even though I made it extremely difficult at times. You know when I would stomp up the stairs and scream "I hate you." Thank you for knowing I didn't really mean it.
Thank you for not liking me always, and for teaching me that some behaviors are just plain not acceptable.
Thank you for saying no, and sticking to it, especially when it probably wasn't easy and I didn't fully understand your reasons.
Thank you for setting boundaries for me and for teaching me life lessons, like "You don't have to be friends with everyone." and "Not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay."
Thank you for teaching me to be myself, and how to let loose every once in awhile. I may be very much like my father, but I like to think I get my spunk and sass from you.
Thank you for holding your tongue when I made bad decisions and letting me learn from my mistakes.
Thank you for never saying "I told you so" when I eventually came crying to you after these poor decisions.
Thank you for modeling how to be a good wife, a good mother and follower of Christ all at the same time.
Thank you for being my sounding board, my role model and in more recent years my friend.
Thank you for modeling for me what sacrificial love truly is.
Thank you for continuing to remind me every day that it is never to late to be who you want to be, or to discover something new, or to live life to the fullest.

Mom, I am so proud to be called your daughter. I would be lost without your guidance over the years and I am truly blessed to have you. I cannot wait for our sons to meet their Yaya and pray that I can be at least half as good as you are at this motherhood gig.
So much love,
Your Only Daughter
Ellen what a wonderful tribute to Amanda.. She absolutely a wonderful mother and person. One of my favorites!! Love you! Aunt Laura